Friday, October 8, 2010

Time Flies......

Where have I been and what have I been doing???? I can't believe it has been sooo long since I last posted. It has been a busy few months abut all not quilty related. Gardening, planting, dodging the multiple heat waves on the East Coast, finding an apartment for my aunt, packing and moving her, unpacking and apartment set up, trying to harvest the veges, many doctors visits with both my mother and aunt, attempting to make sense of the sewing room ( I couldn't find the iron) , etc 'm .....whew, I tried just typing it.

Needless to say, I haven't been very productive in the quilting department and the creative muse has been  hiding somewhere, probably in the sewing room under one of the piles that has spilled over and the dog has tried to make a bed out of. But I was able to do a few quickie type things to try and get back in the grove.

Here is a pincushion made of wool and stuffed with wool roving. Easy, no heavy thinking..right???? It only took 2 days to finish it. I was really off the beam.

And then I had this crazy yarn  made of multiple pieces of different threads and  started to made a drop stitch scarf. It was all I could handle at the time, due to heat and distractions. I really enjoyed the process, but now I need a little more yarn to finish it to my desired length and have to hunt out some scraps or overdye some strings to blend in. You see my UFO pile getting larger???

And of course there are a few deadlines in my future. Things I really want to get I have made an effort  ( struggle is more like it) to get back on track. ( I wonder if there is a 12 step for the overwhelmed/unfocused/empty of ideas art quilter??)

Here is a quilt I played with adding stitches in all kinds of threads and yarns. I finished the edges, put a hanger on the back, put it up on the wall. Hmmm, it did nothing for me. No singing, just a low humming. I needed something but I couldn't think what at the time. Fast forward to two months later...inspiration finally hits!!! Along with some gentle prodding (a guilt laddened, nice memo that worked!) it will be going to the Identity: SAQA  for CT members show in January. It should be standing up right with the  big circles on the left. I have three squares more to sew on but have I finished it??? Oh,  no.  I have  plenty of time and it's only three, what's the big deal???

I have another fairly big quilt I was asked to make and thought I was halfway done. Until I noticed the borders weren't sitting quite right and have since taken it apart, re-squared it and put the borders back on,.  and I am now in the race to finish the bottom half and put it together.

Another project is still in the infant stage but it's due by December, with another due by January. But instead I have to make this hobo bag but not follow the directions.  It looked and read like it was easy, so in I jump , thinking it will be a snap. This has actually been good for me, because it's making me think ahead, plan appropriately and be disciplined in my work. I even have finished seams inside the bag, added another set of pockets and have hand quilted the outside. I just need to close the opening, put on the handles and I can use it. I may be ready to tackle that project for the first of the year yet.

I'm noticing a theme here. I think it's called avoidance. I may have mastered the technique. More next time.

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