I searched for my strainer and found I must have tossed it out onto the great beyond in my last kitchen cleanout. Having thought about what to use to spread the dye , I decided to see if a salt/pepper shaker would work. I'm not so crazy of spraying the soda ash on and drip drying and decided to layer with crushed ice and plastic and see what happens.
A little to heavy on the red here ( will I ever learn )and not enough yellow. But I can see using it somewhere.
So on I go to the next layer. I can see the speckling but I might still be a little heavy handed here with the shaker. I also scrunched the fabric slightly.
And the final piece. I do have to say, being summer and hot does really make the process go much faster than in the cooler/cold months.
That ice melts way fast!!
I might be getting the hang of this but I still feel I need remedial lessons. Or at least a little direction but it was a fun experiment.